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    • 24
    • 03
    • 2014
    BBAC's Care Lights a Candle of Joy for Lebanese and Syrian Children
    • 21
    • 03
    • 2014
    BBAC Celebrates Mothers on their Special Day
    • 18
    • 02
    • 2014
    BBAC and Live Lebanon Renovate a Public School in Mount Lebanon
    • 03
    • 02
    • 2014
    BBAC Cardholder Awarded 5,000 USD with Visa’s “Travel Happy” Campaign
    • 13
    • 01
    • 2014
    BBAC Starts off 2014 with the Opening of its Newest Branch in Badaro
    • 06
    • 01
    • 2014
    BBAC’s Great Holiday Celebration Comes to an End