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    • 17
    • 06
    • 2013
    BBAC “Mazroukeh?” Credit Card Summer Promotion: First Round Draw Revealed!
    • 16
    • 06
    • 2013
    BBAC and Live Lebanon Implement Project to Improve Road Safety and Quality of Life in the West Bekaa
    • 28
    • 05
    • 2013
    BBAC and Live Lebanon Implement Further Social Development Projects in Lebanon
    • 27
    • 05
    • 2013
    "Mazroukeh?" Credit Card Summer Promotion
    • 21
    • 05
    • 2013
    BBAC Participates in AUST and MUBS Job Fairs
    • 12
    • 05
    • 2013
    BBAC Gives Disabled People a Push Forward