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    • 17
    • 08
    • 2015
    BBAC Commences a Fresh Start in Cyprus
    • 15
    • 08
    • 2015
    BBAC Organizes the “Economic Development of Chouf” Forum
    • 23
    • 07
    • 2015
    BBAC Signs MoU with the Modern University of Business and Science
    • 20
    • 07
    • 2015
    BBAC Rewards “Diamond” Cardholders with Diamonds and Jewelry
    • 17
    • 07
    • 2015
    Happy Eid Al Fitr
    • 01
    • 07
    • 2015
    BBAC Supports the “Authentic Shouf” Campaign to Boost the Economy and Toursim